Be prepared for voir dire with expert jury research
Put Pennebaker Legal psychology and litigation experts on your team for fact-based voir dire decisions.
Jury behavior research reduces the guesswork in jury selection
Starting with the information gleaned through jury research, Pennebaker helps you seat the jury you want. We help you develop jury profiles and identify favorable/unfavorable jurors. We review case documents to identify issues jurors will respond to. We can help develop a jury questionnaire to streamline voir dire and identify areas of further inquiry for specific jurors.
Know thy juror. Our psychology expertise means better jury research
Pennebaker brings extensive experience and psychology expertise to jury research.
We’ll review the case documents and uncover the themes that will best resonate with jurors. We then test our assumptions to ensure they are accurate. And we listen to hear how jurors talk about the facts of the case so that we can present using their words and analogies.
When professionals do jury research, you get professional results
Leading law firms rely on Pennebaker Legal to conduct jury research. Their verdict? Our insights help them excel at trial.
Tell us about your jury research requirements.
401 N. Franklin Street, Suite 2400-105, Houston, TX 77201 • Email • 713.963.8607